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Ultramicrotomes & Cryo-Ultramicrotomes

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standard motorized UC.png
advanced motorized UC.png
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fluorescence - UC.png
UC Enuity


Basic - manual UC for sample sectioning in life and material sciences

UC Enuity


Standard - motorized UC for precise sample alignment






UC Enuity


Advanced - motorized UC with additional camera and automation for sample trimming and alignment


UC Enuity


Cryo - UC fully equipped with cryo chamber and cryo sphere for Tokuyasu, CEMOVIS or polymer science


UC Enuity

Fluorescence - UC equipped with stereozoom microscope for fluorescent targeting at room temperature

UC Enuity

Cryo Fluorescence - UC equipped with cryo chamber and stereozoom microscope for fluorescence targeting under cryo conditions






Leica EM KMR3

The balanced break method of the Leica EM KMR3 ensures perfect glass knives in three thicknesses 6,4 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm



















Learn more about Leica's Ultramicrotomes & Cryo-Ultramicrotomes >


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