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Tabletop SEM Products

Hitachi TM4000II / TM4000Plus II Tabletop Microscope

TM4000Plus II features:

  • 10x~100,000x (Photographic magnification)

  • 25x – 250,000x (Monitor display magnification)

  • 4 Accelerating Voltages – 5kV, 10kV, 15kV, 20kV

  • 4 Beam current settings

  • 6 Scan Rates

  • Dedicated Low Vacuum Secondary Electron Detector

  • High Sensitivity 4-segment Backscatter Detector

  • BSE Imaging Modes: Normal, Shadow 1, Shadow 2, Topo

  • Mixed SE and BSD imaging

  • 3 vacuum modes – Conductor, Standard, Charge reduction

  • Auto:  start, focus and brightness

  • Max sample size 80mm diameter

  • Max sample thickness 50mm

  • Stage travel: 40mm x 35mm (XY)

  • Image sizes up to 2,560 x 1,920 pixels stored


TM Series Key Features:

  • Self-regulating variable pressure vacuum system.

  • Dedicated 4 quadrant, high sensitivity solid state backscatter detector

  • Accommodate large and tall samples: up to 70mm in diameter, 50mm height

  • 35mm stage travel in both X and Y

  • Best in class EDS detector geometry from both Oxford and Bruker

  • Manual, motorized, tensile, heating and cooling stages available

  • All system support such as demonstrations, installation, training, and service performed on-site

© 2022 Angstrom Scientific, Inc.

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